the Enabler

Kitesurfing/kiteboarding is a perfect balance between natural elements, freedom, traveling to exotic places, meeting locals and experiencing new cultures. 

This sport requires caution and persistence but gives an unrivalled reward!

Across the world, kiteboarders share a unique passion for the ocean and keep pushing their boundaries.

Finally, kiteboading brings awesome networking opportunities – no big rivalries that you sometimes find in other sports. After all, kitesurfers need to help each other with their kites and be there if anyone gets into trouble in the water.

Kitesurfing is the new golf! So, let ‘s try to make it green and human oriented!



PapuA New Guinea

Hula is an immaculate kite destination with both flat water and waves. Meet Benny and Hula’s children and watch them perform incredible kite tricks in a beautiful lagoon.  Before and after kitesurfing, you will have the unique opportunity to meet and live with locals and help them with local projects.

 An unknown destination to shape with goodness


MadagascaR -
KitE paradise

Madagascar is a wild, exotic and authentic destination with such friendly people. It’s awesome for kitesurfing with its, beautiful surroundings and thousands of animal species..



Big smiles, openness and hospitality: that’s what you find when you travel in Anakao. . The Kite spot is located in the southwest of the the island of Madagascar. Blair ad Mada Surf Lodge has an education program with the school of the village where Swellies can spend time to help the students.

Join the Label

You provide accommodations, activities, or products aligned with our mission and vision. 

Swell for Good we will be proud to promote your business.


Activaly stimulate local employement. Apply a code of ethics for children and young people.


You make a difference by supporting local schools or offering professional coaching (language, skills).

Ocean responsibility

Integrating prevention, cleaning and recycling messages and initiatives within your business will make a difference for future generations.